I'll never forget the moment I found out I was pregnant with you. I was going to concoct some elaborate scenario to tell your Papa, but I ended up squealing and showing him the pregnancy test. From the first moments of excitement, i just knew you were going to be a girl.
I started throwing up early. It was just really rough. My day consisted of waking up, throwing up, eating breakfast, throwing up, eating lunch, throwing up, sleeping, eating dinner, throwing up, going to bed. And starting everything over again the next day. Even in the midst of 9 months of sickness, I still was so grateful for your little life and couldn't wait to hold you! I was however, extremely grateful for a wonderful group of supportive midwives as well as the opportunity to have you at one of the best and natural hospitals in the nation.
When you were about 18 weeks, we went to go for your ultrasound to see if you were a boy or girl, and make sure everything was growing properly. I'll never forget the moment when they said "It's a girl". I just KNEW it! I quickly imagined all the pink, frilly clothing, and shopping trips together. :-)
But that was quickly followed by concerns from the doctors that you weren't growing properly, especially your head, abdomen, and heart. It was something that your Papa and I went to our knees in prayer for more than once. It was so hard waiting for each sonogram. I was so relieved after several ultrasounds when they gave you a clean bill of health. Who knows, maybe they were wrong in the first place, or maybe God healed whatever issue you were dealing with? No matter what, we know God is powerful and totally capable. :-
After that was over, we were able to totally enjoy looking forward to your arrival, even in the midst of sickness! Our church threw a beautiful shower for you and your Grandmama and Great Grandma came! :-D
Because I had your brother at home 2 1/2 weeks early, I thought for sure you would be early too! Well, we got to 40 weeks, and then when you were 6 days overdue, your Mama started having complications. My blood pressure was very high, and my legs became extremely swollen and started turning purple. After seeing a wonderful team of midwives during the previous 9 months, I decided to see the doctor in charge and he recommended an induction if you were not born by the time the weekend came around. He also diagnosed me with Gestational Hypertension.
I felt so anxious. What if I had a c-section? What if I had to have an epidural? All these "what if's" were bothering me. And then I remembered who I was supposed to bringing my worries to. After much prayer and talking to Jesus, I felt calm and ready. They scheduled my induction for that saturday night at 11 pm. I prayed about that too because it sounded absolutely miserable to be induced at night. :-P They then rescheduled for Sunday at 6:00 pm. That definitely sounded a little better.
This was taken right before we headed to the hospital. :-)
I remember showing up at the hospital at 6 pm all ready to go! I was so excited! We got there, got all checked in, and they came in to talk. They said because it was super bowl sunday, they were over crowded with women who ate super bowl food that made them sick, that then made them go into labor.
They asked me to come back the next morning so they could give me more attention. :-) I didn't mind at all. I wanted to have a wonderful hospital experience and not get overlooked, or have my baby not get the best care. So we found a hotel and stayed there with your Grandmama. :-) Of course your poor Papa was up all night because your Grandmama AND your Mama snored all night long. ;-)
We showed up at 7:00 and they started the induction. Since I was already 3 centimeters and 50% effaced, they only had a couple of induction options, especially since you hadn't dropped yet. My awesome midwife gave me HALF the recommended dose of Cytotec and within a few hours you had dropped and they broke my water! I did not go into labor until my water broke, but it was so fast from that moment on. It is so amazing how God created our bodies. So much pain, but endurance as well!
I remember at one point, my one support nurse was holding onto me as I gasped in pain and was breathing low deep breaths, and she kept telling me that I could do this. That I was in control and my baby would be here soon! As I was going through transition (key word for a moment of insanity when baby is almost there but you feel like you can't go through one more second of this incredible pain), I told the nurse and my mom to give me medication! They had a little pow wow and decided to help me do whatever possible to get through this med free because they knew that is what I wanted. Within minutes I was in the jacuzzi tub, lights dimmed, essential oils going, soft music, and warm towels around my neck. I started dozing and felt comfortable for the first time.
All of a sudden I had this incredible urge to push and had immense pain during a long contraction! They got me out of the tub as fast as is possible with a largely pregnant lady, and got me onto the bed. All I wanted was to push, and push and push! But she told me to wait as she checked me. It was so hard to control. She told me my cervix was still in the way but to wait until my next contraction and I could push. Within seconds the contraction took hold of me and I pushed the cervix out of the way and she told me to push again. Two more pushes and you came rushing out, big and beautiful! They put you on my chest right away and you started nursing within seconds as your Papa cut the cord. The midwives did an amazing job and were so thrilled that your labor and delivery only took 4 1/2 hours! :-D
You were just so sweet and had the biggest eyes I've ever seen! An immense love rushed over me and tears rolled down my cheeks as I thanked Jesus for your dear little life. You were my little girl and I knew that God had blessed us much more than we could ever deserve.
May Jesus become your All as you grow into a woman after His own heart. We love you sweetie! <3 1st="" birthday="" happy="" nbsp="" p="">