Dear Family and Friends,
The last week has been a whirlwind of activity, stress, and no sleep. On Monday the 23rd, Hudson came down with a cough that increasingly worsened over the course of Wednesday and Thursday. We tried several homeopathic methods recommended to us by our midwife and pediatrician, but his situation came to a head at 5:30pm, Thursday night the 26th. Five minutes after I left for evening work, he fell into a coughing spell and stopped breathing. Stephanie quickly tried to help him, but then decided to call 911. Through the instruction of the 911 attendant, Stephanie successfully resuscitated him after 4 attempts. His body had turned very blue and completely limp during this time.
Moments later, the EMS team arrived and rushed Stephanie and Hudson to the Children's Medical Center of Dallas. I got a quick call from Stephanie and immediately left work and headed to the hospital. Between 6:30-10:00pm they performed several tests on him, included a chest x-ray, spinal tap, blood tests, etc...
After receiving oxygen help, he started to regain his color and strength. However, by this time he had lost 1.5 pounds and was severely dehydrated. At first his chest x-ray showed evidence of neo-natal pneumonia, but now the official diagnosis is "pertussis." This is more practically known as the Whooping cough.
Around 3:00am he had another episode and went "code blue." Praise be to the Lord, he recovered fine and now is resting well. To say the least, we need your prayers. Many, many wonderful, loving people have blessed us with their visits and prayers and we are so grateful to the Lord for their care. The doctor said that he has never seen I child with this leave earlier than 4 days or later than 34 days. So, it may be a while. He was supposed to be able to go 12 hours without artificial oxygen before he can leave and is now officially off oxygen, but still has coughing episodes and turns blue so they don't want to release him until he stops doing that.
We do ask for your prayers during this time. Please pray that Hudson will recover thoroughly and quickly, without any lasting side effects. Also please pray for my dear Stephanie, that she would also heal from her sickness (she also has the whooping cough) and is extremely exhausted. Please pray also that I will be able to balance my school work (that is rapidly piling up), work, and family.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. We love you all!
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flame will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. ~ Isaiah 43:2-3
In Christ Alone,
Michael Breznau
PRAYING!!!!! i've got others praying too!
Andrea and Crystal have kept me updated on little Hudson. I have been praying for you all. The Lord will help you through this time. Cling to Him.
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