Just wanted to give a shout out to this miracle product. I know that sounds overly sensational, but I can attest to the fact that it helped my baby sleep through the night completely by three months old. :-D
Hudson loved it too. He looked just like a little burrito. :-)
I LOVED those! I used to use them in the daycare where I worked (until the state changed the rules :( ) They really do work wonders!!
Yes! Chloe loved being swaddled, it brought her comfort. Zachary on the other hand... well, he detests it. Babies are so funny! :-) Hudson is adorable. He must be such a big boy now. Didn't he just turn two? :-)
Love the blog background you changed to! I already had that same one as one of my blog backgrounds, so I laughed when I saw it. You have good taste. ;-) I love how there are so many free and incredibly cute backgrounds available to choose from!
Very beatiful baby!
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